An excellent way to promote and drive traffic to your site is to add a Tweet This Widget. This widget allows visitors to your site to easily share content from your site directly to their Twitter feed - without having to leave your site!

Here's how to add the Tweet This Widget to your site:

  1. The Tweet This Widget is located in Widgets > More > Social. Drag and drop it onto your page.
  2. Click "Edit" on the top-left corner of the widget, and you will see the following editing options:
    • Button: In this menu, you can edit the layout, change the margin and change the alignment of the widget.
    • Tweet Text: This is the text that will be included in your visitor's tweet when they share content from your website.
    • URL: This is the URL of the page you'd like to share. You can type in the URL of your site, or you can type in the URL of a specific page. Alternatively, you can set it to "Automatic", and the widget will use the URL for the page it's on.
    • Language: You can choose the language that you'd like the Tweet This icon to display in on your site.
    • Recommendations: If you want to share your favorite Twitter accounts  with your visitors, you can recommend up to two. These will display after they've shared content from your site.
  3. When you're finished setting up your button, click "Save".
  4. Save your site, and then click "Publish" to make your changes live.