In case you no longer wish to have a particular service (hosting package, domain registration, etc), please follow the steps below to cancel it.
Cancellation procedure
- Navigate to the cancellation page at
- If you were not logged into your MyGlow account, you will be asked to login as seen below:
- Once logged in, choose the services you would like to cancel and click "Cancel." You then must confirm by clicking the checkbox that you understand your account files will be removed and click the "Cancel Service" button.
- You will be redirected to the confirmation page. Ensure to save the cancellation confirmation number, as well as any coupon codes that may be offered.
Q: I can't select the service I want to cancel from the list (checkbox is not active).
A: The checkbox of the service will be inactive if you have outstanding invoices for the corresponding service based on our cancellation policy. Please settle any outstanding invoices in order to complete cancellation.
Q: I have cancelled the service but still can see it in my myGlow Account.
A: Some types of cancellations require review and approval by the billing team. Once our team completes the process, the service will be completely removed from your account.
Q: Can I restore all services if I have cancelled the account?
A: Yes, we can search for a backup and restore your account if the backup is available. Ensure to contact our support team to find out if backups are still there. Please note a restoration fee may apply depending on the complexity of the restoration, and we do not guarantee to hold backups on cancelled accounts.