The GlowBuilder SiteBuilder is a fantastic way to get started with a website without having in-depth coding knowledge or if you can't afford to pay a web designer for a professionally created page.
We suggest that when you first begin to work on your GlowBuilder site, start with adding text, images. Exploration is key to find out what you can do! Take advantage of all the tools that you want, that's what they are there for. A lot of the things learned here form the basics of utilizing the SiteBuilder.
Here's our page that shows to add various things to your site here.
After experimenting with stuff adding stuff like text, links, and new pages to your site, you have to make your site look good. Changing the layout can make your page look more slick and attractive.
Modify your layout and change your site to your liking here.
Create some more
Now you've gone beyond the basics and want to go further. Maybe you want videos, a fancy background, and other things that other fully featured sites have? You can do just that. Create your own content and post it on your site to keep visitors on your site.
Add and show off your creative content here.